Lochmaddy Mist at Irton
DoB: 24/12/1984
(Ch Blue Doctor ex Kellswick Kirsty)
Wiz (short for Wizard!) was the first bitch to join the Irton kennel. In the early 1980’s it was necessary for a breeder to have bred a dog that had won at a specific level at a championship show before they could apply for an affix, Wiz had the honour of gaining that right for her breeder, Val Myers, and thus qualifying her to register the now well known ‘Valmyre’ affix. Although not a great showgirl she did have some modest wins - on more than one occasion beating her more famous kennel mate Ch Dandyhow April Fool! - and proved a more than capable brood bitch. She raised three litters for us, was an excellent mother, and showed us just how it should be done.
She was an outstanding character notable for her superb temperament which she passed on to her many descendants. She was a very keen fellwalker and as she got older would refuse to budge from the chair for mere Wellingtons - which meant a tramp around muddy fields and lanes - but never refused when the boots appeared!
She had excellent manners and would never chase anything - unless someone else went first! a fact we learned the hard way!